Cream of Mushrooms Soup

Cream of Mushrooms Soup


White Button Mushrooms 200g
Onion 1/4pcs
Garlic 1 Clove
Butter 15g
Flour 15g
Fine Stock 250ml
Whipping Cream 125ml
Parsley some


Himalayan Pink Rock Salt 1/4tsp
Organic Black Pepper some
White Wine 1/2tbsp


1. Peel and chop garlic & onion.

2. Clean the mushrooms by wiping with a dry paper towel. Finely dice.

3. Melt butter over medium heat, stir fry the chopped garlic and onion until fragrant.

4. Stir fry white button mushrooms over high heat until mushrooms become soft.

5. Add white wine. Cook until alcohol evaporates. Add salt and black pepper.

6. Whisk in flour and stir well. Add in fine stock until slightly thickened while stirring frequently.

7. Puree the mixture with the blender. Put back into the pot. Reheat with high heat.

8. Adjust to low heat. Add whipping cream and stir well.

9. Sprinkle with parsley. Served.

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